
personal trainer - Sydney  - Why Your Dog Doesn’t Get Fat
By admin
24 Oct 2018
You know why your dog doesn't get fat?   Because you feed it the same amount of food ​twice a day ​and take it for a walk once a day, every day, without fail.  ​You know if you didn't it would become unhealthy. Are we done here?  What do you
personal trainer - Sydney  - The Most Bang For Your Buck Exercises
By admin
30 Jul 2018
​Clean & Jerk​​There is a constant search within the fitness community to find a way to maximise what little time we have in the gym.Coaches are always talking about the king of exercises and which one hits the most muscle as possible.Some say the squat, some say ​the thruster and
personal trainer - Sydney  - Decision Fatigue – Why You Can’t Stick To Your Diet
By admin
13 Jun 2018
Do you crave sugar when you’re overworked and stressed? Have you ever been working hard at your desk, thoroughly engrossed in a complex work task for hours, and just got up and smashed a bunch of sugar? Perhaps on your way home after the mother of all days, you find
personal trainer - Sydney  - Resistant Starch – Why You Need It
By admin
01 Apr 2018
​Resistant Starch ​Resistant starch is going to be a super food soon, if it isn't already.  With the ever expanding insights into long term health coming from the study of the microbiome, more and more we are realising just how important resistant starch is in our diet.  ​What Is Resistant
personal trainer - Sydney  - Should We Eat Breakfast
By admin
23 Mar 2018
​Why Do We Believe Some Foods Are Breakfast Foods ​Are we supposed to eat breakfast?  With the rise in popularity and evidence behind fasting I thought i'd look into the history of breakfast and see for myself. ​From a young age we have been conditioned by the cereal industry to
personal trainer - Sydney  - Flow Hacking
By admin
25 Feb 2018
FLOW - Psychologists have found the people who are the happiest have the most FLOW in their life. What is FLOW? The state of optimal experience in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. You will have experienced this before. A good example
personal trainer - Sydney  - Why You SHOULD Take A Multivitamin
By admin
23 Nov 2017
Often you hear nutritionists and dieticians proclaim that multivitamins are not necessary if you eat your daily suggested serves of vegetables as you will get all the nutrients you need from real food. Well guess what? 96% of Australians DO NOT eat the recommended 5-6 serves of vegetables per day.
personal trainer - Sydney  - Organic Vegetables – Are They Worth It
By admin
21 Nov 2017
To go organic or not? When it comes to vegetables only 7% of Australians eat the suggested 5-6 serves per day. 93% DO NOT EAT ENOUGH VEGETABLES!! So to be honest, first and foremost any vegetable is a good vegetable! If however you are going to eat organic just remember
personal trainer - Sydney  - Forward Head Posture
By admin
13 Nov 2017
Forward Head Posture Headaches and neck pain whilst sitting at a desk is all too common.  Humans just weren't meant to sit for long periods of time. But, this is the world we live in so what can you do that is simple and easy and can help alleviate that
personal trainer - Sydney  - How To Get Fit For Summer
By admin
11 Sep 2017
Summer is coming.  You know it and I know it!  You remember last year when you found yourself in december wishing you had put in more effort around September?  Well here we are again. So what are you going to do about it? The modern day health and fitness plan