Goal Setting

Here we are at the start of another new year!  All the partying is over and its time to look to the year ahead and set some goals

This is a powerful exercise in setting goals i send out every year so if you’ve seen it before how did you go last year?  And if you haven’t, read on and see if you gain a bit of clarity.

What did you achieve last year?  
What do you want to achieve this year?  
Do you even know where your year went?  

Or did you show up for work on Monday, go home on Friday and all of a sudden it’s the new year?  Careful with that attitude.  You’ll lose a decade or two.

​Sounds like you need some goals.  But where do you start?  What should you focus on?  Here’s a quick exercise to determine where to focus your energy this year.

Next to each of the following put a rating  based on A) what priority you give that area of your life currently and then B) how satisfied you are with that area of your life currently.  Use a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the highest.  Be as honest as possible.

Priority                                     Satisfied

Physical Health and Fitness                    _________                        _______
Nutrition                                                          _________                        _______
Emotional / Mental Wellbeing                  _________                        _______
Lifestyle                                                            _________                        _______
Career                                                                _________                        _______
Finances                                                            _________                        _______
Intimate Relationships                                 _________                        _______
Family and Friends                                        _________                        _______
Fun / Hobbies / Play                                      _________                        _______
Personal Growth                                              _________                        _______
Life Plan / Purpose                                         _________                        _______

Any bells ringing?

What you might notice is the areas in your life you’re east happy are the areas you give the least priority

Now do it again with how satisfied you want to be and organise the priority accordingly

Priority                                     Satisfied

Physical Health and Fitness                  _________                        _______
Nutrition                                                      _________                        _______
Emotional / Mental Wellbeing             _________                        _______
Lifestyle                                                        _________                        _______
Career                                                            _________                        _______
Finanances                                                 _________                        _______
Intimate Relationships                            _________                        _______
Family and Friends                                    _________                        _______
Fun / Hobbies / Play                                  _________                        _______
Personal Growth                                         _________                        _______
Life Plan / Purpose                                     _________                        _______

You should now have a list of priorities in order to gain satisfaction in your life.  Now write down goals accordingly using the following format.  ( I’d suggest starting with 2 or 3 goals only based on priority.  When you have reached your goal re do the exercise and re do goals accordingly)

Goal : What is it exactly

When : When do you want to achieve it by exactly

How : How will you know you’ve achieved it?

What : What do you have to do on a daily/weekly basis to achieve this goal.

Goals have to be smart. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and be bound by a Timeframe.


 Goal : Learn to Salsa Dance

When : March 31st

How : When I have completed 10 Salsa dance lessons

What : Locate a dance studio near my house.

Book in a time and pay for 10 sessions upfront.

Go to every lesson every week.


 Goal : Lose 10kg’s

When : May 30th

How : When I weigh 55kg on the scales at home

What : Eat 5 – 6 small meals a day as suggested by my coach.

Do an hour of either weights or cardio exercise every day.

Don’t drink alcohol until I’ve reached my goal.

Get to bed by 10pm each night

Put your goals somewhere where you will see them every day.  Like the fridge or the mirror.  You need to be aware of what you want in life.  Success doesn’t happen by accident, it always, always happens by design.

Hopefully this gives you an idea as to how and where to start with your goals.

Personal Training Bondi Junction

