Blood Testing

Your blood doesn’t lie!

We’ve all done it.  We’ve all gone to the GP whilst sick and had some routine blood tests run only to be told ‘everything’s normal”.  Is it though?  If everything from our fingerprints to our DNA are unique, why not our blood chemistry?  Well the truth of the matter is the results of those tests are as individual as you are, and  given the proper interpretation you can uncover a veritable treasure trove of information about your health from these tests.

So moving forward Strong & Lean is offering you the chance to have Dr Mark Schauss, the worlds leading expert on blood testing, interpret your blood results for optimal health.  You will now given a clear picture on all of the following and more :

Adrenal Function (how your body is handling your stress),

Allergy Response (are you reacting to certain foods like dairy)

Carbohydrate metabolism (do you really need to go low carb?),

Cardiac risk (Hows that high fat high protein diet really treating you?)

Hydration and Electrolyte Balance (are you drinking enough water and getting enough electrolytes from your food)

Gastrointestinal Function (its not about what you eat but what you absorb)

Immune response (strength is a direct reflection of your immune system)

Inflammation (the silent killer and the the no.1 factor in the aging process)

Kidney Function (Hows a lifetime of stress, alcohol and bad food treating you)

Liver Function (are you able to detox all the chemicals and toxins we consume every day)

Oxidative Stress (do you really need anti oxidants)

Protein requirements (are you eating too much or too little)

Thyroid function (your master metabolism switch.  No metabolism, no weight loss)

Have a look below.  All the low results in order, all the high results in order.  All nicely colour coded and easy to read.  

From this you can start to see where your priorities lie.  But these shouldn’t be interpreted in isolation.  how they interact with other values gives a much clearer picture.  

I’m going to give you an example of 3 of the 23 in depth panels that come back for you.

Gastrointestinal Function – A healthy gut is imperative to your weight loss or weight gain goals.  Its not about what you eat but about what you absorb.  With a dysfunctional gut you’ll just be spinning your wheels.

A Healthy Gut

An unhealthy Gut.  This profile lets me know the gastrointestinal track is not functioning properly and needs to be addressed with supplements, lifestyle and food.  Further investigation may also be required into leaky gut and dysbiosis.


Inflammation is your no.1 concern for heart health.  It is also one of the most important issues in today’s society in regards to aging.  With our aging population, a lot of people want to know how to slow down the process.  Here is what we do know.  Aging is about oxidation.  The use of anti-oxidants does not seem to slow down the aging process all that much.  You can however cut back the speed at which you age by cutting back on the amount of food you eat drastically.  Numerous studies suggest that it is the quantity of food that is the key. When you eat very little the cells last longer. Or is that the real mechanism???

The real key to living longer is reigning in inflammation.

In an excellent, but hard read, Professor Caleb E. Finch wrote the book – The Biology of Human Longevity: Inflammation, Nutrition, and Aging in the Evolution of Lifespans, 2007 Academic Press discusses the issue.

Does the longevity research into low-calorie diets only mean that the low intake is the sole anti-aging driver?  Another possibility is that when you restrict you diet, you avoid inflammatory foods

Here’s ana example of the inflammation panel


Needs attention.  This sort of inflammation is going to effect many things but may explain that joint pain

How about simple old dehydration

Dehydration – This is very common amongst the active and needs to be addressed if deficient.  For every 1% your dehydrated you will lose 5% in power.  Not a good scenario for the serious weight trainee.  It is measured by looking at the balance of electrolyte’s, particularly sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, bicarbonates and chlorides.


Here’s a dehydrated person.  Simply drinking more water or putting electrolytes in your drink may give you more energy, more strength, less headaches, better digestion, healthier kidneys and liver.  The list is endless!

What Does All This Mean

As you can see none of these panels are based on one particular reading but how they all relate to each other.  And theres 23 of them.  So based on your 14 page report you will know what you need to work on to maintain optimal health.  The best thing about this is it takes the guess work out of supplements

You can’t argue with your biochemistry!

This is the most in depth analysis i’ve seen on your health and fitness.  Its now a pre requisite for all Strong & Lean trainees

How can you get one?

I’m not a doctor.  I’m not pretending to be a doctor or take the place of doctors.  I’m not one of these people that demonise the medical system and buy into conspiracy theories  But I’m in the business of being healthy on the inside as well as the outside.  Which is why I work with Dr Mark Schauss .  All interpretations are made by Dr Mark Schauss himself.

I’ll give you a letter to take to your GP and when you supply me the results I’ll send them off to Dr Mark Shcauss for interpretation.  A 14 page report comes back which I’ll go through with you to explain what it means and what to do about it.

Blood Interpretive Report (you supply results) + half an hour analysis- $125

Also Available :

Environmental Pollutants/Urine Organic Acids –

Urine Organic Acids (alone) –

Blood Spot Amino Acids –

Urine Hormone Panel –

Hair Elements –

Why Won’t Your Doctor Tell You All This?

To be honest…your doctor doesn’t have time.  How much can you cram into a 15 minute appointment?  This is in depth stuff.  And they are really only looking for disease states not optimal health.  They can’t medicate you until you are out of range.  Remember that…   So let me tell you something about reference ranges.

Reference Ranges

Labs typically run a number of tests on a wide variety of people in order to determine the reference range for a result.  The range is where 95% of the test subjects results are.   So basically “normal” is really the average.  And the can be the average of a sick population.  Think about it.  70% of australian males are obese or overweight.  55.7% of australian women are obese or overweight.  And healthy people don’t go to the doctor do they?  These norms are based on Homer Simpson!

The average of a population is not a measure of optimal.  And depending on what your looking at you may want to be in the bottom third of a range or you may want to be in the top third of a range.  You may even want to be out of a range based on the norms.

Lets take Ultra-Sensitive Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) for example.  TSH is a marker for how well your metabolism is functioning.  It is very complicated but often overlooked.  The typical lab range is .5 – 5.5 uIU/mL.  Research however has suggested that the proper reference range for TSH should be 1.1 – 2.5.  So because an estimated  25-30% of the population is hypothyroid and fall into this range the results have been skewed.  Someone who comes in at 5 on this scale will feel very different to someone at 1.1 yet they are both considered “normal”.

Don’t even get me started on Testosterone!

So if your interested in REALLY being as healthy as possible on the inside aswell as strong and lean on the out, get in contact with me

See you in the gym


Dr Mark Schauss
